Chiropractor – Great Experience | Lonsdale Wellness

Many people have different and varied experiences with Chiropractors get nervous about seeking treatment.  At Lonsdale Wellness Sutdio, we take pride in our patient care and our unique approach to health care.  Here is what one of our clients had to say about their experience at Lonsdale Wellness Studio.

“Great experience! 

The staff are really friendly. I had been in pretty severe pain for several days before coming in. I had tried everything I could think of at home before deciding to book an appointment. Dr. Bo Gregson explained to me why my pain was occurring, gave me an adjustment and provided me with ongoing exercises to prevent the issue from recurring.

The whole experience was very informative and helpful. I’m now happy to report that just the next day after my appointment I’m starting to feel better, all thanks to Lonsdale Wellness!

Emma B.

As you can see by Emma’s story, Dr Bo Gregson and Lonsdale Wellness Studio go to great lengths to ensure the patients are well informed about their condition and how to prevent recurrences. 

Chiropractor North Vancouver