COVID-19 – North Vancouver | Lonsdale Wellness

Staying Well in the Face of COVID-19 in North Vancouver

The Lonsdale Wellness team of health care providers knows these are difficult times for our clients.  Not only are we facing an uncertain future and drastic changes to our normal way of life, but we can’t access our usual health services including acupuncture, chiropractic care, counselling, reiki energy healing and massage therapy.  Still, even though we are restricted from providing direct, in-person care, we still want to help.  Now it is as important as ever to stay well, in mind and body.  To this end, we’re going to provide some practical tips for staying well in the face of COVID.


Many of us are experiencing new challenges for maintaining our nutrition.  Some of us are used to making multiple trips to the grocery store in a week as we meal plan on the fly, but now we’re trying to practice social distancing and avoid unnecessary shopping trips.  Even when we get to the store, many of the foods that were readily available are in short supply.  So then, better planning is the key to maintaining our nutrition.  Make a list of the things you have in your pantry and start creating meal plans.  Ideally, each meal should consist of a protein, a starch, and vegetables.  Also, remember that while non-perishable items are selling out, fresh produce is still readily available.  You can buy and freeze your own produce, or purchase alternatives that keep longer (e.g. broccoli and potatoes).


Your usual resources for maintaining your physical fitness are unavailable – gyms, community centres, and even park facilities are closed.  This means we have to adapt our usual routines to keep our bodies moving.  Remember, it’s still okay to go outside for a walk, bike, or run when you’re maintaining 2m of physical distance from others.  You can also look for online opportunities such as virtual fitness classes or personal training to keep you motivated and moving.  Get creative and try something new!  In a way, this pandemic may provide us opportunities to incorporate new activities as we adapt our fitness regimes.


Speaking of routines, they can help us manage stress.  Obviously eating well and moving your body are great ways to work through the anxiety many of us are experiencing right now.  We can also look to new tools such as meditation or mindfulness to connect to more peace.  There are great apps or free streaming videos that can guide you through your own practice.

Another way to alleviate some of the stress we feel at the moment is to limit our exposure to news and social media.  While it’s important to maintain awareness of current events and public health recommendations, over-exposure can negatively impact mental health.  Balance is important.

Finally, if you’re not working, try to maintain a regular sleep routine.  Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day – keep your normal sleep schedule.  Proper, restful sleep is a foundation for so much of our mental and physical health.

As you can see, there are some fairly simple ways that you can adapt your routine to support your health while we socially distance ourselves to control the coronavirus outbreak.  Give yourself the space and time to develop some new habits while also giving yourself credit for taking the necessary steps to support your mental and physical health.

Stay Safe!

Corona Virus North Vancouver